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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Denim Sweatpant

I'm pretty sure everyone has seen the commercial for pajama jeans and its selling point allure of wearing pants that are as comfortable as sweatpants. I always thought the concept was hilarious in that they never looked like actual denim, then I realized the joke was on me as some major designers are actually making sweatpants that look like actual denim. I think I will be passing on this trend and opt for actual denim but I couldn't help inquiring if I was the only one feeling that way???
Untitled #593

one // two // three


  1. Nope, you're not the only one! The idea of wearing jeans with a drawstring waist or elasticized/pijamafied in any way creeps me out. Baring being preggo, I'll pass too, thanks!

  2. Wow - I am surprised these exist! I AM preggo so maybe I'll try? I think the only pair that is ok are the Current/Elliott on the right, but I don't know...

    1. congratulations! I think they could be made cute on a mama to be!


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