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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Take Me Away - Urban Cowboy

Last fall we visited some friends who relocated to Nashville and quickly fell in love with this music city. The people were so nice, the city was so quaint filled with awesome restaurants and nightlife {this place & this place are two thumbs up as well as this place for brunch and of course the best taco in town owned by our sweet friends} but one thing we would change was where we stayed. While the large chain hotel we booked was nice and just fine in every way, we generally gravitate towards smaller boutique types for our travels. SO when I saw the hipster Urban Cowboy open up in Nashville I knew we would have to plan another visit very soon! Just check out how unique this "hotel" brand is below.  I love the individual design of the rooms as well as the overall laid back vibe they exude. I mean their motto is "arrive as strangers, leave as friends", sound like my kinda people. 

they also have a very cool Brooklyn location as seen below. 

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