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Monday, December 22, 2014

Room In A Box

Last night after an amazing very late brunch at Rosemary's in the West Village my husband and I strolled around the city and found ourselves at the Christmas Market's in Union Square Park. While the crowds were a bit overwhelming, the holiday spirit NYC this time of year trumps any of those inconveniences. One little shop that caught my eye was Remodo. Not only was the gal working the booth super friendly and helpful, all of their shops contents were seriously stylish {unlike so many of the homemade crafts surrounding them}. I was instantly drawn to their "room in a box" design product which allows you to shop bedroom decor by color and gives you all the essentials of a fashionable room in one easy purchase. Great for a gal going to college, a new home owner or someone who gets stumped with interior design. I personally love that the products aren't all so matchy-matchy and instead offer a variety of mixed prints and textures to give your bedroom a stylish cohesive makeover without any headaches. Only need a few home accessories? Well they got that too, just check out some of my favorites below!
Untitled #716

shop all of the above products here

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